hi anybody know what time of year i should cut back my hebe
By Dendav
United Kingdom
1 Feb, 2009
Hi Denday, Welcome to GOY. Wait until warmer weather and don't cut below the lowest leaves. If you feel you must cut harder back, cut only half the total, just in case it fails to sprout new growth. Hebe is a naughty Nymph, you can never be sure what she will do.
2 Feb, 2009
Now is fine since your plant is resting and the sap is at a minimum. But I would agree with Spritzhenry, hebe's loathe having their older woody stems cut back.
3 Feb, 2009
I have had success with a lanky one which was tied up with wire! I cut it down to new shoots in May and it soon grew back and flowered well.
A word of warning - some species do not take to being cut back, they just prefer a light haircut after they've flowered.
I can't be more specific without knowing which Hebe you have, but May is the RHS recommended time.
1 Feb, 2009