By Antha
United Kingdom
Why have my blue agapanthus not flowered for the past two years? Any suggestions would be welcome.
3 Aug, 2011
I read that if planted in a pot they like to be crowded and then they will flower.
3 Aug, 2011
I have just replanted mine (probably far too late I know) from the garden to pots because they were not growing at all. I've seen wonderful ones in pots in neighbouring gardens.
3 Aug, 2011
i dont think its true about being restricted maybe you should split them up and then feed them now for next year
3 Aug, 2011
Copy and paste the link below for the RHS info on growing agapanthus
Youngalistai most folk seem to think they grow best when slightly crowded.
4 Aug, 2011
Previous question
« I planted some bulbs last year I'd gotten on sale & now can't remember...
they naturally grow in areas of ristricted root run apparently. Have you replanted them into an open space.
3 Aug, 2011