By Jhollingswo
United States
I planted some bulbs last year I'd gotten on sale & now can't remember what it is I planted. It's August in Indiana & flowers that look like tulips coming up are in my garden. It has a tall stalk w/ magenta buds, shaped like teardrops, one on one stalk and three (2 on one side @ top & 1 on the other side @ top) on the other stock are showing thus far. Any guesses as to what I've planted?
3 Aug, 2011
what about Iaxia?
any chance of a photo
3 Aug, 2011
Colchicums maybe?
3 Aug, 2011
Without a photo it's just another guessing game. You could edit this question to add one, or try asking again with a photo uploaded to help
3 Aug, 2011
I'd like to see it too. It sounds almost like an Amaryllis of some kind, but few of that family are hardy in Indiana.
7 Aug, 2011
(I know this feeling!) could your bulbs be fritillaria?
3 Aug, 2011