By Lauraj
United Kingdom
I have nurtured my little plug perennials until they are now flourishing and all bursting out of their 5 inch pots my question is when should I plant them out ? Galliardia,echinacea,verbena,lupins ( 4 survived out of 25 !!!! ) poppies, aubretia, digitalis.
Would it be risky to plant them out into this heat and dry end of summer we are having (kent)
Thanks for any advice.
3 Aug, 2011
Yes why not, prep the ground and go for it. You would be watering them in their pots so why not in the ground, get their roots going while the soil is warm and they can grow away.just fuss over them til they get going :))
3 Aug, 2011
Lupins like to have deep roots - keeping them in a small pot is possibly a reason that they failed. All your plants should get much larger after a few weeks out of those pots and in the garden. Personally I keep Gaillardia in a large container.
3 Aug, 2011
Thanks for advice. Planning to plant out this weekend.
4 Aug, 2011
Just watch out for slugs after all this rain, Laura. They love new lupin leaves. I've tried echinacea in the garden, and they seem to like a well drained site, but the rest are not particularly fussy. Gaillardia are also a bit touchy, I found, but that may also just be the soil. Perhaps that's why you keep yours in a pot, Kildermorie? Good luck with the planting. Annie (Cumbria)
4 Aug, 2011
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« I've collected seed from some Aquiliegia seedheads but now have no idea when...
as long as you keep them well watered they can go out. dig the hole and then water the hole well then plant , back fill and re water. water well in the morning and in the evening.
3 Aug, 2011