By Nana_d
United Kingdom
Hi I was reading that you can overwinter geraniums would I be able to keep them in my garage it has a window in it but not much light can someone tell me how to do this I also have a conservatory but not enough room for all the geraniums that I have and I would rather they were in the garage no taking up space in my little conservatory that I use as a second lounge?? Many Thanks in advance:)
4 Aug, 2011
I will try to follow this for my geranium. Thanks Drc726
4 Aug, 2011
Hi Denise
Not sure what type my geraniums are to be honest so I will try option 2 most probably I have quite alot so if half survive I shall be happy and it will saving me spending so much money next year:)
Thank you so much for your advice
Nana d
4 Aug, 2011
I've used method 2 for several years. I used to keep the plants in an unheated shed, near a window and almost all of them would survive each year. Pick off dropped off leaves from time to time to help keep mould at a minimum. If you want you can take cuttings in spring - gives you more plants, but not more variety. Good for "mass effects" though.
4 Aug, 2011
The Victorian way was:
Cut the plants back by about half.Remove and wash off soil from the roots. Hang the plants in a cool, dark room or place them loosely in a paper bag.
You want some air to circulate in both methods - they do come back surprisingly quickly in spring.
4 Aug, 2011
I am also going to try method 2 this year as I have some pretty ones I would quite like to see again next year.
Kildermore I tried the Victorian way - method 3 a couple of years ago but I dont think they were woody enough so failed dismally.
4 Aug, 2011
Some years ago I wrapped mine loosely in newspaper, as described here, and laid them in the loft. Most of them survived and I was able to take some cuttings once they got going again. Now I have an unheated back porch with a long shelf under the window and all my geraniums overwintered well in there just trimmed down in their pots.
4 Aug, 2011
Thanks everyone for all your input so pleased it will save me some money next year:)
5 Aug, 2011
I hope to do the same Nana
5 Aug, 2011
I have the same problem as you Nana d, mine have only started budding and a sharp frost is forecast for Wednesday night. I thought of potting up , bring them in and try and keep going for Christmas. Their growth has been messed up with our weather so I'll try anything once.
Thank you for your likes on my photo
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Tommyshort good luck with the geraniums will not have time this week to do mine will have to do it at the weekend as I am on a course for the next three days which is a pity:(
19 Oct, 2011
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I have a couple of Pelargoniums I would like to try and keep. I read this from the RHS hope it helps?
Pelargoniums are usually grown as annuals, but with a little care, they can be carried through the winter using one of the methods described below:
Method 1: Overwintering by taking cuttings
This method is useful where there are large numbers of plants to overwinter; it suits soft-stemmed pelargoniums that cannot be kept in a semi-dormant state as per method 3.
Take softwood cuttings in late summer and discard the old woody plants
Once the cuttings have rooted, they can be overwintered in trays of compost kept on a well-lit indoor windowsill
Water the tray only sparingly in winter, allowing the compost to dry out between watering
Start feeding in late winter, giving a balanced liquid fertiliser every seven to 10 days according to the application instructions on the packet
Pinch out the shoot tips in late winter to encourage bushy growth
Pot up individually in mid-spring
Harden off and place outside once the risk of frost has passed
Method 2: Overwintering in containers under glass
This method is useful where there are only small numbers of plants to overwinter and space in the glasshouse or conservatory to keep them.
Lift and pot those growing in the soil before the first autumn frosts. Cut them back to 10cm (4in) at this time. Use John Innes No 1 potting compost
Keep the plants in their pots over winter, in a light, frost-free position
Very little water is needed until growth resumes in spring
Re-pot into John Innes No 2 potting compost in mid-spring
Harden off and place outside once the risk of frost has passed
Method 3: Overwintering in a semi-dormant state
This method is only suitable for varieties with tough woody stems, but is useful where there are large numbers of plants to overwinter.
Lift plants from the ground or pot and shake off excess soil or compost from the roots
Allow the foliage and stems to dry off in a frost-free place and then wrap the plants in newspaper or hang them upside down from the shed roof (which must be frost-free)
Plants which survive and show signs of growth in early spring should have their roots soaked in water for a few hours before being potted up cut back to about 10cm (4in)
4 Aug, 2011