By Rose1949
United Kingdom
Can anyone please tell me what this perrenial is.A cutting was given me by my friends daughter who has no idea what it is. It roots very easily in water and I now have many around the garden.

7 Aug, 2011
No, I think it's Persicaria 'Red Dragon'.
7 Aug, 2011
I disagree, Pamsdish. I think it's Persicaria 'Red Dragon' which is a perennial. The leaf shape is different to Atriplex and the markings on the leaves are distinctive.
7 Aug, 2011
Snap Volunteer!
7 Aug, 2011
Thanks all of you, I think it must be Persicaria as it defintely is a perrenial and doesn't self seed.Sorry about that Pamsdish.
7 Aug, 2011
Its an Atriplex its an annual but self seeds very freely
7 Aug, 2011