any chance of a tips board
By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
it would be realy good to get gardeners tips put down.ive got a few myself as it goes.i think its a shame gardeners learn the hard way .me included and then the tips dont go anywear.we could realy help new gardeners do the right thing quicker there for making gardening better in the future.even these garden and diy programs make glaring mistakes on perpous because of time.they look nice now but try living with painting over wall paper or putting wood under ground etc

6 Feb, 2009
Np and Wagger - yes, I agree, but it's better to use the 'contact us' link at the bottom of the page to make suggestions to the guys.
P&A don't necessarily see questions posted.
6 Feb, 2009
Could be this is a good place to get a concensus as to whether it would be something that would be well used..and since most tips come into the questions page this could be the most likely place to do it...a blog on it would not be bad idea NP. Some people do not read the questions page...I do think having a concensus when making the suggestion would be a good would make less work for A & P...and I do agree with the idea of a tips board..would be a big help...
6 Feb, 2009
One problem I can foresee is that there might be so many tips (and there are many) that people would not be able to find the bit they want.....maybe if you've got a tip it might be just as well to do a blog on it and then if someone puts a key word into the search bar then that would bring that blog up wouldn't it?
6 Feb, 2009
That may be too random Sid...I think what NP is thinking of is the list at the one side that offers such things as bird houses, funky garden ideas, etc....gardening tips added to the list perhaps...?
6 Feb, 2009
Oh I see Cat - that does sound a good idea put that long as people remember to add things as they come up :-)
6 Feb, 2009
Hi all don't we pretty much have most of this covered? i think if you have a problem, you can type in a key word and usally find an answer, wether it is from a previously asked question, or just a thread on a photo or blog, most things are covered and if not you can always ask a question. i do think it is a good idea, but can you imagine how many confilcting views there would be! - would be quite amusing lol.
6 Feb, 2009
ofcourse it would i still think its a good idea theres obviously some bits to iron out and im not the one to do that im not clever with admin at all
6 Feb, 2009
if people dont want to look there not that botherd about there garden or would prefer to ask someone.i cant see people on here making up good sound gardening ideas.if they do drop it.there can be more than one valid ideas on the same subject.i think there should be a vote maybe to see the intrest.who ever makes this web site quite obviously police the site.all sites need this.ive had stuff taken of and there is a point to my art or some of it not being anything to do with wouldnt bother me to much.everything needs peramiters.i dont think the garden tips should be up for debate on the garden tips page.though they will make here more interesting to chat people money and time and save usefull camodities excuse my it will actualy help save the planet.all good.thanx for all your great response take care bye for now
6 Feb, 2009
your right catfinch i think lol
6 Feb, 2009
If you scroll to the bottom of this page there is a 'tips' section in the small print.
6 Feb, 2009
i cant seam to add mine but computers arnt my thing at all.i didnt notice that just a move from there then si its more obvious greenfingers.obviously all my emails are from people who hadnt sean it.thanx anyway
6 Feb, 2009
I guess they are way ahead of more will see it
6 Feb, 2009
I think the tips shown on here under 'tips' are chosen by the site administrators, I notice mine is the 1st tip on there (the one about raised beds and string to prevent cats from digging in the bed), and I certainly didn't put it there. Try adding a tip of your own in the 'Gardening Question' section and see if it's chosen.
6 Feb, 2009
This is interesting NP and I realise I don't know my way around the site as well as other members, after reading the comments. Majeek, your tip above sounds useful - that you can type in a key word and usually find an answer, whether it is from a previously asked question, or just a thread on a photo or blog - sorry to be dim but this could be useful for me, please can you explain what to do, thanx :-)
6 Feb, 2009
Dawn - use the search box at top right. it says 'Google custom search'. Try one - e.g. 'cat deterrent' - typed in, then hit return or the 'search' button. You'll get lots of previous info that has been posted.
Hope this helps!
7 Feb, 2009
Thanx Spritz, just tried it, wonderful that will be a great help - they say you learn something new everyday, thanks again.
7 Feb, 2009
yes thanx a lot i guess theres looking and theres seeing lol thanx my defence its not obvious to useless newbies like me but that could be my fault.theres always room for improvement though.anyway ill stop arguing lol and thanx again lol
7 Feb, 2009
u weren't the only one not to see it NP!
I was getting all excited too about the "new" tips idea.
Maybe for people like me there could be a special section called disasters and catastrophes: don't try this at home in your own garden, look what a mess has happened here?! lol
7 Feb, 2009
to be honest i did'nt know about the 'tips' tab until mentioned on this blog, but have often found info by doing a search. so yes it does look like the guys are well ahead of us once again ;-) and Weeding, i think i could fill a page or two with disasters and catastrophes, lol and would'nt it be fun to reed other peoples, a kind of what not to do in your garden that is an idea i do like! why not saggest to the guys?
8 Feb, 2009
same thing realy thats kind of what i meant partly.
8 Feb, 2009
It is all good...great minds at work here...from all over the world...mostly the UK...but you know what I
8 Feb, 2009
yes indeed i think its worth making more pronounced myself its obviously not obvious lol
8 Feb, 2009
Good idea - how about it, boys? Would it be a lot of extra work for you?
6 Feb, 2009