By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
I want to dig up my willow tree, I dont know wht type it is just tht its in the way....its about 5ft and getting bushier by the hour, its been in the ground about 10 years. When and how would be the best time to lift it?
9 Aug, 2011
or very early spring . you can just cut a branch of and plant it and water it while its dorement if you want if its the rite type . a picture would be good .
9 Aug, 2011
Probably a Kilmarnock Willow if its only five feet after ten years - be difficult to move and replant after that length of time. If you just want to get rid of it, you can do it now.
9 Aug, 2011
can you take a cutting in the winter when its dorement from a kilmarnock willow then please bamboo ? x .
9 Aug, 2011
Hi NP Kilmarnock Willows are all grafted so a cutting would need to be grafted to a new, dwarf, willow rootstock.
10 Aug, 2011
Took the words right out of my mouth, Moongrower, lol! That's the answer though, Nosey...
10 Aug, 2011
lol Bamboo
10 Aug, 2011
thank you so much x
10 Aug, 2011
If you are planning on replanting elsewhere I'd wait until autumn if you are actually disposing of any time.
9 Aug, 2011