The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Whdebor

Suffolk, United Kingdom

iv recently planted 2 clematis already they have some holes in the leaves and flowers any idea what would have caused this and how i can stop it ! many thanks :)



Earwigs are common culprits, as are snails.
Use pellets or insecticide to cure the problem.
In my own garden its earwigs that munch through them.

9 Aug, 2011


I've had the same problem, and I've put slug pellets down, which didn't stop whatever it was, so I'll have a look for earwigs next! Thanks Louise. I did wonder whether it could be those perishing vine weevils again!! They do such a lot of damage, because the grubs eat the roots and the beetles eat the leaves!! I'm going to have a dig around in the soil underneath the plant to see if I can find any grubs---fat, white things with a brownish head, and if I do, they won't last long!! Good luck, Annie (Cumbria)

9 Aug, 2011

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