By F1owerp0wer
United Kingdom
one of my lupins has a sort of white mildew look on the leaves. it started off just on one or two but it's spread. I did a search about it and it's not powdery like some searches came up. Any ideas how i can treat it or if it matters?
12 Aug, 2011
Greenfly love lupins and cause all sorts trouble try blasting with a hosepipe or just cut off infected parts and bin.
12 Aug, 2011
thanks for the info. Since posting nearly all the leaves are affected now and it has gone powdery white rather than just a white film. i've cut the white leaves off, don't want to use a spray that will hurt insects. Hoping it will go away but I have to say, it's got a lot worse.
14 Aug, 2011
Any mildew will destroy leaf growth, search for a mildew control which will suit you, any animals and your surroundings.
12 Aug, 2011