By Elvie
United Kingdom
I've bought some bulbs from the supermarket which were really cheap as it's too late to plant them this year. How do I store them until next spring planting?
12 Aug, 2011
Hi Drc726 (that's a funny name, ha ha),
I bought a couple of boxes of mixed bulbs which are Anemone cononaria Sylphide,Liatris spicata,Lilium oriental Muscadet,Cosmos astrosanguineus,Gladiolus callianthus and Lilium oriental Simplon. It says on the boxes that they should be planted in Spring. They are mostly Summer flowering.
12 Aug, 2011
I would definitely plant the Lilium bulbs, since they store much better in the ground than out. The Anemone bulbs need to be stored warm and dry, and you don't have to worry about them shrivelling. The Liatris and Gladiolus should be stored at 21ยบ C, and about 30% humidity--the idea is to keep them dry enough to prevent sprouting, while not letting them shrivel. I would plant up the cosmos, since it has essentially no shelf life, and be ready to shelter it over the winter.
13 Aug, 2011
Thankyou for your replies and suggestions. I'm new to this game of gardening but I'm trying to make my little courtyard look pretty and am thankful for any help I can get. I do appreciate your replies, thankyou so much. Elvie. X
13 Aug, 2011
I would plant everything except the gladiolus callianthus (acidanthera) in the garden now. The Cosmos Astrosanguineus I did not know so googled it, seems to be the chocolate Cosmos, which is spelled with or without the s at the beginning of the word. I understood no seeds were available for that and all plants for sale were taken as cuttings. It can be difficult to establish in the garden and needs winter protection from frost. I have one for the first time this year and intend to put a ball of fleece covered in soil above the cut down foliage when it finishes flowering. My liatris which I planted in September many years ago are very hardy and are good cut flowers. Do not be dissappointed if some or all of these bulbs do not grow for you. You took a gamble on them and you might be lucky. I hope so.
13 Aug, 2011
Hello elvie and welcome, with all the spring bulbs coming into the shops you will be able to plant out soon for some lovely spring colour, Galanthus, muscaria, dwarf narcisi/tulips etc will look great in a courtyard setting.
13 Aug, 2011
Elvie my name is Denise - we are unable to change the first name we put on the Ativar on joining.
13 Aug, 2011
Thankyou everybody, you have been such a help.
13 Aug, 2011
Hi Elvie, which bulbs did you buy? because most bulbs (spring and summer flowering) are usually planted in the Autumn
12 Aug, 2011