By Steragram
United Kingdom
Just remembered another question - I have two tall blue geraniums on either side of my steps to the lawn. Athough I put hazel twigs round for support in the Spring by July they had flopped out over a wide area about a metre in diameter, covering any small plants nearby, and leaving a bare area when the flowers were finally finished and trimmed off. I love them but wonder if there is a similar variety that doesn't flop over? Sorry I don't know what this one is called. An alternative to replacing them would be something to plant next to them that flowered early and completely disappeared by early July.
12 Aug, 2011
Hello steragram, yes agree with scotsgran once flowering is over cut hard back i use shears for this task, and you will get a lovely cushion of foliage and more often than not you may get a second flush of flowers, could you move these to another part of the garden where they will benefit from more space and replace these with some dwarf varieties, geranium renardii would be nice, you could go for the blood geranium has lovely small purple flowers with small foliage and would do well by your steps, another one geranium Anne folkard nice pink flowers.
13 Aug, 2011
I think that most of the tallish ones do flop in the end. My clumps of geranium phaeum ( very deep purple or white ) seem to stay upright and Geranium magnificum makes a good medium height clump with big deep mauve flowers. They might be worth a look.
13 Aug, 2011
Agree with Julien and Scotsgran - when they've flopped outwards, you can usually see tiny new growth in the centre, and that's when you hack back to the middle, taking it all off and just leaving the middle, new growth.
13 Aug, 2011
Thank you everybody!
I have indeed hacked off the old growth now its more or less stopped flowering, and there is a lovely tall green clump in the middle. But that doesn't solve the problem of the flopping over too wide an area for the space alowed them.
Bsmboo, are you suggesting I hack off the flowering stems as soon as they flop, while they still have heaps of flowers on? am I hard hearted enough to be able to do it?
Surely that must leave you ages with no flowers while waiting for the second flush? I do love them and they look gorgeous but I was hoping somebody would know of one that didn't flop so I could move these somewhere else. It needs to be at least a foot tall, preferably 18" but stay standing upright. Am I asking too much of geraniums and if so can you think of anything else that would flower so long and look so lovely (and not pink - blue's what's needed just there)
Inverglen, I will have a look at magnificum.
13 Aug, 2011
Inverglen, Magnificum is well named and might do the trick.
Julien, the dwarf ones you suggest are lovely but not tall enough for where I want them because the steps are above soil level at that point.
13 Aug, 2011
To answer you, Steragram, no of course I wasn't suggesting that! I'd go with the G. magnificum, probably the most likely to remain reasonably upright, but in general, they are quite sprawly plants really.
14 Aug, 2011
Well - Inverglen has now kindly offered me two young ones to try - this is a great site!
14 Aug, 2011
And they arrived this lunch time now all nicely potted up and watered. Corncockle seeds in return on their way.
16 Aug, 2011
Previous question
« I've bought some bulbs from the supermarket which were really cheap as it's...
When the flush of flowers is over chop off the foliage. This will result in regrowth of fresh foliage and reflowering.
13 Aug, 2011