By Usrobo99
United Kingdom
I have a round lawn only about 12 ft in diameter - and want to put a mini tree with small roots or a nice shrub in the middle of it - any suggestions ?
14 Aug, 2011
try a cotoneaster standard patio tree i have seen them in many a good garden centre and bought one myself some years ago with variegated leaves it flowers then has lovely red berries in autumn.good luck kev.
14 Aug, 2011
many thanks folks
14 Aug, 2011
Almost like asking how longs a piece of string! hundreds to choose from, so really needs narrowing down to what you might be looking for evergreen or deciduous, flowering or foliage interest
14 Aug, 2011
And remember you will not be able to have the grass growing right up to the trunk of the tree.
14 Aug, 2011
Amelanchier 'Ballerina'
14 Aug, 2011