Dead lawn
By Hprlady
United Kingdom
Is there any way in which I can resurrect the lawn in my front garden? It has been killed by my dogs tearing around on it (and worse!). Needless to say they are not allowed on it now. But it is muddy and brown over about 3/4 of its area. My house is up for sale and I would like to bring the lawn back to life if possible before the hoped for buyers start visiting!
25 Mar, 2008
I assume you are talking about spots where the dogs have urinated. This will leave the lawn with horrible brown patches. You will need to scarify the bad parts, and all the lawn if you have time, mow it but not too close, take the trim level up a notch. In the really bad patches it may be worth turfing them. On small patches, rake the area until the dead grass is gone and the soil is aerated, sprinkle over some multipurpose compost and sprinkle some grass seeds over it. Make sure you do this on a non-frost predicted weekend and water in the turf joins really well and water the compost before sprinkling the seeds, this should help rectify your problem, however depending on when you are marketing your house this may not take effect in time, but best of luck!
25 Mar, 2008
you could also make some stab holes with your garden folk all over the 'lawn' - or areas where you need regrowth, and sprinkle compost and it might sound silly but use a hard broom to sweep it into all the holes. and then as the others have saggested chuck down a load of seed - you can buy a fast growing one not sure what it is called but i got some last year from woolworths for about £5 per box and it was up within a couple of weeks. i managed to get my lawn back from a mud pit after all of the work done out there last year. good luck.
26 Mar, 2008
your welcome, and good luck hope you get it back in time!
26 Mar, 2008
Grass seed is the cheapest way. With Spring rain it should start to sprout quickly unless you have a very cold snap. We are always throwing seed around our grassy areas to improve them and it seems to work. You can rake the soil to help it and tread the seed in lightly. I'm no expert but this is what we have been doing.
25 Mar, 2008