By Trevord
we which have a 12year old apricot tree growing agaist a south facing fence,which was covered in blossom in early spring and has produced wonderful fruit for a couple of years them after the frosts all the leaves and shrivelled and dropped off. The tree looks completely dead but there are apparent suckers growing nearby.
Question do you think think the tree will regenerate next year, will the suckers come true or shall i pull them out?
14 Aug, 2011
Previous question
Unless it was grown from a seed, the suckers will likely be a commercial understock--disease resistant, but no fruit worth eating. If the twigs are still green and moist, and the trunk isn't shrivelling, then the tree stands a chance of coming back, but I would have expected some new growth by now. About when did the foliage wither, Trevord?
15 Aug, 2011