By Karen11
How do I get rid of hundreds of woodlice in my border?
14 Aug, 2011
Why would you want to get rid of them? They do the garden good not harm.
14 Aug, 2011
My very thoughts, Sheila. They don't do any harm at all. Annie
14 Aug, 2011
If any of your neighbours keep chickens then borrow one or two for a few hours. They love them.
14 Aug, 2011
Normal part of the soil fauna, soI wouldn't worry either. If you are trying to raise strawberries, or start small seeds in the ground, it might be worthwhile getting some diatomaceous earth, and scattering that around the plants to be protected. The nuiscance is that you have to replenish it every time it rains, or you water! : /
15 Aug, 2011
If there is an invasion of woodlice this is an indicator that there is too much rubbish lying around the borders. Have a tidy up and you will reduce the number of woodlice. If there are just a few woodlice then I would not bother, they are goodies as advised above.
15 Aug, 2011
Thanks for that BB I was beginning to wonder why I rarely saw them in my garden lol
15 Aug, 2011
same here,Denise..too tidy sometimes..lots in my compost bin though..! Lol.
15 Aug, 2011
15 Aug, 2011
Agree with bulbaholic - clear all plant debris, particularly woody stuff, if you want to reduce the numbers.
15 Aug, 2011
I'd leave them alone. They very rarely damage plants and spend most of their time feeding on dead material so do a good job clearing up garden detritus.
14 Aug, 2011