By Jenko
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what the disease is that seems to be causing parts of viburnum tinus bushes to turn brown and die? Also if I cut out the affected parts will the plant live or is it better to dig up the whole thing and remove? I've seen quite a bit of this locally to me (Wiltshire) but don't know if it's all over the country.
15 Aug, 2011
Are there lots of holes in the leaves. This is viburnum beetle and is a fast growing problem, but can be cured.
16 Aug, 2011
As there are no holes I do not know the answer at the moment. I have had the viburnum beetle which has cause a lot of damage but I have got rid of it and the shrub is better than ever. They are usually tough as old boots. I am going to investigated another of mine this morning as I saw a part of a dried branch yesterday!! It is at the back of a border and low down so I have not noticed it before. I hope it is not another of these killer problems because I think this shrub is one of the most useful for screening.
22 Aug, 2011
I have just seen this answer from 2008
22 Aug, 2011
Thanks, I'm going to try cutting it away and monitor what happens! Fingers crossed!
23 Aug, 2011
Previous question
hard to say with out seeing the plant
15 Aug, 2011