By Cestina
South Bohemia,
Czech Republic
My sweet peas are now flowering prolifically but on incredibly short stems so that it is tricky to cut them to enjoy in a vase and to encourage further flowering. It's the first time I have ever grown a semi-dwarf variety - Bounce - and am wondering if this is normal or whether there is something I could have done to help the plants produce longer stems?
15 Aug, 2011
Most of the dwarf and semi-dwarf kinds have relatively short flower stems--a side effect of the mutation that makes them dwarf.
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you. I think I will revert to the tall ones next year.....the other problem with these is that the leaves have gone yellow before the flowers have come properly and whilst this has happened before with the tall ones, it's somehow less noticeable when the dead leaves are at the bottom rather than all mixed up with the flowers as they are with this variety.
16 Aug, 2011
The dwarf ones aren't supposed to turn yellowish as much as the tall ones, Cestina. Did you give them inocculant, or feed them regularly?
18 Aug, 2011
I fed them but what is inocculant please? I don't think they have turned as much as the tall ones actually, it's just more noticeable in patches
18 Aug, 2011
Inocculant is a store-bought form of the nitrogen fixing bacteria that live in the nodules on pea and bean roots. Sometimes there is enough of that kind of bacteria in the soil to team up with the seedlings when they sprout, but if not, the plants usually do better if you provide it. The hard part is finding a supplier that hasn't kept his on the shelf too long--it has a shelf-life of only 12 weeks. The bacteria aren't absolutely essential, but peas without can be real fertilizer hogs.
18 Aug, 2011
Thanks Tug. By the sound of it I would need to source it in the Czech Republic then. Will ask around for next year.....
21 Aug, 2011
I think its because its a dwarf variety
15 Aug, 2011