By Soda
United Kingdom
The frost last year appeared to kill my outdoor Yucca, so I was advised to cut off the top. I am now left with a 5 ft trunk. Just recently I have noticed that 5/6 shoots have appeared at ground level and I am not sure whether just to leave them or dig them up and replant. Advice needed.
16 Aug, 2011
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« Where can I get a Stamfuchsia from. I lost mine with the frost. It was beautiful
I suspect your plant is actually Cordyline australis rather than Yucca - cut the trunk down to where the new growth is, preferably at an angle to allow rain to run off. The new shoots will grow on into another multi stemmed cordyline - if you want to pot some separately, you need a good piece of root with each clump.
16 Aug, 2011