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Amelanchier - suitable variety for highlands

United Kingdom

I live in the highlands, above 1000' and have prolonged winters, with lots of snow at times (up to 8') and wondered what the hardiness difference was between all the Amelanchier tree varieties? Which would be the best to buy? BTW temps can get down to the minus 20's.

On plant Amelanchier



Amelanchier lamarckii aka Snowy Mespilus is very hardy. It comes from the US/Canada, which has far worse weather than the Scottish Highlands. You can google for online suppliers. Simpsons of Inverness stocks it.

16 Aug, 2011


Thanks, will get online to try to get some! My friend assures me that deer dont eat this plant, and we have so many around it is hard to get any sort of garden sorted!

17 Aug, 2011

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  • Amelanchier in full bloom.. (Amelanchier canadensis (Shadbush))
  • Amelanchier lamarckii (Amelanchier lamarckii)
  • Amelanchier (Amelanchier lamarckii)
  • Amelanchier. (Amelanchier canadensis (Shadbush))

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