By Drunk1975
United Kingdom
We've reared 2 pigs on a patch of ground behind our garden. The pigs have eaten all the roots and weeds, turned over much of the soil and manured the patch nicely. In order to plant veg in spring should we rotovate the patch now or leave it until after winter? Thanks
16 Aug, 2011
Yep, the pigs have got about a foot down - they're frantic to get anything edible! Its quite heavy so we'll turn it over late September when the pigs are in the freezer - thanks for the advice!
16 Aug, 2011
Takes me back many years when we used to do this. We slaughtered and butchered them ourselves. A whole side of one of the pigs was laid on a slab and buried in salt to cure it for bacon, delicious.
I would suggest rotovating when the pigs come off the ground and again in the spring when you are preparing for sowing.
17 Aug, 2011
As it goes i used to slaughter pigs at newmarket meats . a young man came round at my home and i was talking about the subnect already . id got to the point wear he asked how many pigs id killed . i guessed at about 5000 . at which point he said know way had i . we both got quit heated till i realised he thaught i was was tking about policemen lol .
17 Aug, 2011
17 Aug, 2011
Some people lol x ..
18 Aug, 2011
I had a colleague who did this - the pigs were those lovely chestnut ones and quite delicious! I guess what you do depends on the soil - a heavy one would benefit by being dug now so the frost can break it up but I think a light one would be better left until the Spring. Haven't the pigs dug it deep enough already?
16 Aug, 2011