By Windy64
United Kingdom
I.D Please.... And could i collect seed from the spent flower heads?? if this is a weed its the best looking weed ive ever seen ;) but seriously i was watching a gardeners world from a couple of years ago and im sure they had this plant growing in their garden, i took this pic at the top of the driveway of this empty house jst up the road from me and the back garden is almost completely covered in yellow flower 'imagine that' i so want to collect the seed if possible....many thanks in advance. ;-)

17 Aug, 2011
Yes, it's a native plant, but what does that matter? Probably Oenothera biennis, aka 'Evening Primrose'.
17 Aug, 2011
wow amazing response cinderella/spritzhenry what suprised me is ive been watching them flower over&over for months and still theres no sign of them stopping, fingers crossed seed collecting bag at the ready im going in. ;-) big many thanks.
17 Aug, 2011
If you allow them to self seed around the garden they will become a weed. Take the seed that you want then remove the stems quickly.
18 Aug, 2011
Previous question
I don't know the correct name but I think we call it Evening Primrose. If it sets seed there is no reason why you shouldnt be able to grow some.
17 Aug, 2011