By Dinkydo
County Armagh,
United Kingdom
I would love to grow Summer Jasmine in a corner of my garden. I live in N.Ireland would the weather in my part of the world be kind enough to let this plant flourish?
18 Aug, 2011
Thankyou for the advice. I am going to try growing the J.officinale as the corner I would like to grow it in is very sheltered and will provide a good spot for it :)
18 Aug, 2011
You picked a good hardy Jasmine, so will be fine! Mine is pretty exposed but south facing and survived the cold snap of last winter!
19 Aug, 2011
Depends upon which jasmine it is.
Hardy jasmines:
Jasminum nudiflorum (yellow non scented flowers)
Jasminum officinale (pinky-white also non-scented)
Jasminum polyanthum (nicely scented, white flower) is not that hardy in most places in UK and Ireland, but as Armagh is Zone 9 and if you have a very sheltered spot in garden, you should get away with growing it (say full sun position, well drained soil, protected from wind).
18 Aug, 2011