By Rmorts
United Kingdom
Can I plant Hydrangeas against an east facing hedge?
I have a retaining wall with a small bank up to a hedge over to my neighbour's house. I want to plant some hydrangeas in the bank between the wall and the hedge. The soil is well drained improved clay. In the summer the bank gets sun from sunrise until around 4 pm. I am worried that the Hydrangeas might get scorched in the morning and by bitter winds in the winter.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
18 Aug, 2011
Doesn't sound like a great spot for Hydrangeas -it'll be dry with a hedge behind too. Consider Hypericum Hidcote, Caragana varieties or Berberis varieties instead.
19 Aug, 2011
Yeah I thought as much! Thanks for the advice.
My second choice would be Philadelphus Manteau d'Hermine. I want something a bit blousy and romantic with white flowers. From research it appears pretty hardy. If all else fails, I could rip a bit of hedge out (I planted it a year ago with blackthorn/hawthorn/native mix) and perhaps add some form of Rosa Rugosa into it?
Any thoughts?
19 Aug, 2011
If you like Rosa rugosa, sounds like a plan. Equally though, the Philadelphus would work, so long as it doesn't dry out completely in hot spells and is far enough away from the hedge behind. 'Blousy and romantic' though, not sure I'd describe philadelphus in that way.
19 Aug, 2011
I had two hydrangeas in a sunny position like you are contemplating. They struggled and I have had to move them to a shadier spot. They are ok now.
19 Aug, 2011