By Johnancliffe
United Kingdom
Have grown tomatoes outside before without problems but this year have tried Moneymaker (not especially and outdoor variety). All fine except that they will not ripen. Not had one ripe one yet (19/8/11) although well watered and fed twice weekly. Any tips plse?
19 Aug, 2011
My outdoor tomatoes are not ripening either, Johnancliff, but the ones in the greenhouse started to ripen a couple of weeks ago. Don't give up on them, because as MG says, the weather hasn't been good enough, and it's a bit early for outside ones to ripen yet, anyway. You can always make some Green Tomato Chutney if they never do ripen!! Annie
19 Aug, 2011
I have found the same, mine are still very green.
19 Aug, 2011
I think it is going to be 'one of those years' green toms. in a drawer with a ripe banana...
19 Aug, 2011
I made green tomato chutney last year, loads of it. Yet the tumblers I grew in hanging baskets ripened.
19 Aug, 2011
Lack of sunshine is the main problem...
19 Aug, 2011