Help with Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'
By Lean
United Kingdom
I have just identified a shrub as Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'- it didnt flower last year and doesnt look promising this year although the leaves look healthy - any advice - it does look a bit 'leggy'
13 Feb, 2009
Previous question
Oh dear, Lean,
I have a large one of these which used to flower abundantly every year but now it has had very few the last three years. I don't know about yours but mine has gone yellowish with distorted leaves at the growing point although I've given it acid feed and sprayed for pests. My daughter suggested it was a virus disease although some authorities say they just are not long lived. I'm afraid its for the chop! Have you tried feeding with sequestrene or other acid feed?
13 Feb, 2009