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sweet pea

england, United Kingdom

hi anybody no how to grow sweet peas from seed



I'm doing a gardening course this term on propagation and we did sweet peas last week! We soaked the seeds overnight on wet kitchen roll, then planted in a newspaper tube made from one double page of small size newspaper, folded in half and wrapped around a loo roll tube. Double wrap with sellotape and remove loo roll tube. (This is because sweet peas do not like to have their roots disturbed and the whole plant in its paper can be transplanted outside and the paper will rot). Fill with compost and sow one seed per module. They germinate in 10-14 days in warm light conditions. I'm doing mine next week in half term so fingers crossed! Good luck.

13 Feb, 2009


I sowed mine in a wooden box lined with polystyrene covered with a perspex sheet on the 10th. January outside against the house wall, south facing, these seeds have now germinated, 5 per pot and will be planted out in March, after hardening off, which will be when I have 4 full leaves and I have pinched out the tops.

13 Feb, 2009


Do it ASAP - I planted some last October in paper pots for early flowers, and some more this week in cardboard tubes. They will all be planted out in their paper/cardboard as Docbob said - in March, in enriched soil.

13 Feb, 2009


i pot mine, 5 in a 9cm square pot in the typical 5 dice shape. sometimes i soak them overnight on damp kitchen towel others i have chitted the seed coat, put a scratch/chip in the dry coat. keep moist but not water logged either with gentle heat [not necessay] or on a cold windowsill. success with both methods. cooler grown ones take longer but tend to be less leggy. dr bob is spot on about pinching out etc.

13 Feb, 2009


Like Spritz, I sowed some in October which are doing nicely. Sowed more last weekend. I dont bother soaking mine. Just straight into the pot/loo roll/root trainers - whatever I have around, about 1/2" deep. Been growing them in a cool greenhouse. Keep moist, not too wet and will start pinching out when I have four full leaves. Easy Peasy.

13 Feb, 2009

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