By Peterpep
Barry ... Vale of Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Help wanted please.
I don`t know what to do with these seedling ... should I leave them where they are / plant out ... any advice would very much be appreciated ... Aquilegia Varieties / Lupins and Delphiniums ... peter

24 Aug, 2011
Thx Scotsgran ...
I will do it tomorrow ...
Pricking out .. It`s not a job i like having to do ... my fault for sowing too many seeds ... peter
24 Aug, 2011
I sowed 40 lupin seeds and got 29 plants in to pots but I have not had time to sort out my wallflower and antirrhinums. My giant pansies are a complete washout. A free packet of aquilegia seeds have come up but I don't see many plants. You seem to have been very successful and you will probably find someone willing to take them off your hands. Some of the packets hold a huge number of seeds.
24 Aug, 2011
As soon as your seedlings have two leaves which are the same as the adult plants you do need to give them room to grow. Either prick them out one and a half to 2" apart in seed trays. Do not handle them by the stem. Use the baby seed leaves to handle your new plants, and use a sharp pointed tool, a pencil is fine, to ease the plants out of the seed tray. Make a hole in the compost in to which you are transplanting them using your "dibber", the pencil, and drop the plant in to the hole and then gently push the soil around it to firm it. When you have planted up the whole tray water with a fine spray or water from below. You have a lot of seedlings in your pans and if you do not need all of them, choose the strongest ones and offer the rest to a friend. The aquilegia are quite big and I would plant them in to individual pots. The lupins appear to have plenty of room to grow on in the wooden box you have them in. The ones still in the seed tray do need to be separated. I can't see the delphiniums but use the same method for them. If you can overwinter your plants in a cold frame they should be fine and ready to plant out in the spring.
24 Aug, 2011