By Dave_hodgin
United Kingdom
hi, my name is dave and i am a new (learner) gardener,
i have grown a sunflower in my front garden using only water and sunshine, my sunflower has 20+ flower heads at the moment ! IS THIS NORMAL ?
24 Aug, 2011
Some varieties can be that prolific, though not usually the ones grown for their edible seeds. Most of the branching kinds are good for bird seed, though. Do you know the variety name?
24 Aug, 2011
hi, thank's for your replies, i was thinking i had some sort of "super sunflower" ha ha,
the seeds where a free gift from Bramhall construction & they are " Lemon Queen" variety.
Thanks Dave.
26 Aug, 2011
Yep, 'Lemon Queen is one of the more prolific ones. I have seen incredible "hedges" of these while on vacation in southwestern Colorado. Put on your sunglasses and enjoy, Dave! : )
26 Aug, 2011
Sounds prolific - I don't grow them, but its not unusual to have sunflowers with several blooms on a stem.
24 Aug, 2011