By Jac5
United Kingdom
I'm growing 3 types of potatoe for the first time this year. Earlies, 2nd earlies and main - not a lot of each. I've harvested the earlies and left the remainder in the ground.
Could I leave these spuds in and dig when required throughout the winter? I was thinking of covering with bubble wrap (for frost). I deal with my carrot crop this way and the results are great.
Many thanks for your time. Jacqui Williams
24 Aug, 2011
Thank you Moon growe, I thought I'd have to store them.
I have another query which I hope someone can help with and that is why do I get such a range of sizes out of one pack of onion sets? They range from 1" diameter to 3" by the time I lift them but they're all treated the same.
24 Aug, 2011
We get a range of sizes too, this is our best year ever for onions so we have some 4+ inches in diameter but still have others that are not much over an inch.
24 Aug, 2011
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Lift your 2nd early potatoes as you need them but your main crop all need to be lifted by the end of September and stored somewhere cool and dry.
24 Aug, 2011