I have some small hardy fuchsias planted 2 seasons ago, colourful show last year with no pruning. Need to move them this year at the end of Feb because of building work. Will I be able to save them? if so, best way please?
By Patches
United Kingdom
unsure of names of fuchsias can't provide photos, any general help welcome
17 Feb, 2009
Hello Patches, welcome to GOY.
Dig your Fuchias up with more soil than they have rooted in. Have holes dug out ready for them, replant straight away. Leave cutting back until the spring when you will see any dieback. You should be alright in Hampshire.
17 Feb, 2009
agree with the advice above. minimal root disturbance and either into new spot or pots of good compost complete with garden soil around the rootball.
17 Feb, 2009
thanks so much, got plenty of pots for a while until I know where they should go. I like this idea good sound garden advice!
17 Feb, 2009
Hi Patches. Yes you should be able to save them. Either move them straight to their new spot when the soil has warmed up a bit and not waterlogged or pop them into pots until you're ready. Just dont let the roots dry out. I cut mine back a bit in March.
17 Feb, 2009