Can anyone help me with my Tacca?
By 4ddreamscape
Greater Manchester,
United Kingdom
I have a Rhizome of Tacca integrifolia. I have put some stones in the bottom of the pot and planted it in Orchid compost because I thought it would drain well. Will this work? Also a bit confused about when it is dormant and how much to water or feed. I don't know when I should expect it to grow or have I killed it already!!
On plant
17 Feb, 2009
My 1 from T&M rotted to Rydeboyz..... Just had a quick google on it and the soil requirements are strongly acidic PH 5.1 to 5.5 and for it to be kept moist at all times but not wet............
17 Feb, 2009
Thanxs for your help. I have trawled the internet but no site tells me how to grow one in Bolton! think I need a greenhouse before my next attempt. I'll check the acidity of the soil. Might have been a bit adventurous for a first project.
18 Feb, 2009
Previous question
« unsure of names of fuchsias can't provide photos, any general help welcome
All I can say is good luck! I bought one from T&M and it rotted, they sent me a replacement and that rotted too.
17 Feb, 2009