Hi AllI am looking for a bit of help on soil
By Osca
Hi All
I am looking for a bit of help on soil. I have 3 vegetable beds and this is the 3rd year of growing veg, I have rotated every year but this year all crops are pretty poor. Can you tell me how to improve my soil for next year and when do I do it. Crops are mainly carrots peas beetroot lettuce and spring onions.
Any help would be much appreciated
25 Aug, 2011
Hi Osca are you putting compost or well rotted manure into your beds? And not manuring where you carrots will grow as they need a light sandy soil.
25 Aug, 2011
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What is the soil like now? Dry, wet, sand, clay etc?
Addition of compost and well rotted manure will help all these, but add in autumn for heavy soil and spring for sandy ones.
25 Aug, 2011