United Kingdom
how do I get my gunnera to grow taller,its six years old now ,and people keep mistaking it for rhubarb,which is annoying.
25 Aug, 2011
It needs more moisture and very rich soil , big plants feed.
25 Aug, 2011
And Gunnera are part of the same family as rhubarb!
25 Aug, 2011
thank you all for your help, it is by a small pond but the soil is poor. From now on I shall make sure it gete plenty of feed
26 Aug, 2011
Ours took a while to establish itself by the pond now it is going great guns.
26 Aug, 2011
It also depends on which variety you have as well,
G magellanica, for instance only grows to about 4"
G tinctoria grows to about 6ft, while G manicata grows 6-10ft, so quite a difference. derekm
26 Aug, 2011
Agree we have G. magellanica, which is great and roves around and G. manicata which has not reached 10 foot yet!
26 Aug, 2011
Have you got it growing by a pond or lake? Gunneras are water margin plants so perhaps it's not growing in the right position.
25 Aug, 2011