United Kingdom
Honeysuckle and mildew is a problem every year. it's a late flowering one, about ten years old and succumbs to mildew every year. This year has been particularly bad and hasn't flowered well either. i intend to cut it hard back but is there something I can do as a preventative measure for next year?
There are some plants that I give up on - if I find that it's prone to mildew, it will have to go because I know it will continue to suffer in my garden! Phlox, red campion, monarda, even a hardy geranium, scabious - I've failed with them all. Tried garlic spray even chilli spray! I'd love to keep this honeysuckle (I've dug up two others) 'cos it was a gift.
27 Aug, 2011
I've had the same problem for years - Honeysuckle seems particularly prone to this in some situations. I've substituted a couple of Passion Flower plants until I decide which one I like best and also Star Jasmine, all of which are thriving and put on massive growth this year and now I hardly miss the Honeysuckle. All the plants are against a West facing brick wall which also has the warm air outlet from a tumble dryer, but like all palnts in this situation, they require frequent and copious watering.
28 Aug, 2011