Can you recommend a tree that flowers during August to plant in the local Cremetorium in memory of a friend, who died of cancer. to commemorate her birthday.
By Janmsmith
United Kingdom
A reasonable size would be preferable but I think at least eight feet would be be best
19 Feb, 2009
Buddleia Nanho Blue might be suitable it is a dwarf form, which in Buddleias means 6 to 8ft., and can be kept pruned if necessary without suffering.
19 Feb, 2009
Forgot to add Ceanothus - there are some that flower in August. Lovely blue, and could grow a bit tree-like if you choose the right one.
20 Feb, 2009
Yes, agree that Ceanothus is a lovely, large plant with proper blue flowers.
Just dont' try and cut it back because it won't like it and may not survive.
21 Feb, 2009
Trees don't grow to 8' then stop, I'm afraid. Why not consider a flowering shrub - there are Hebes that flower during late summer, or a Cistus maybe? Or how about a late-flowering rose shrub? You might even be able to find one with her name!
Other possibilities: Lavatera, Buddleja, Hydrangea.
Good luck.
19 Feb, 2009