Fast growing evergreen plants
By Kornos
United Kingdom
Our back garden backs onto a small wood-and recently a volunteer group has clear away undergrowth from behind our fences. Many of the neighbours preferred to have growth behind as a deterrent to burglars etc. Now it looks very exposed. Has anyone any suggestions for seeds that can be thrown over for quick growth to form a shield?Evergreen if possible.
20 Feb, 2009
Another thing to plant (for this summer cover) are jerusalem artichokes! I have used these as summer windshields. They could be grown in with the above suggestion of berberis shrubs.
Shame - bet you DO feel exposed.
20 Feb, 2009
Buddleia too is a quick grower and tends to seed itself
20 Feb, 2009
Or try a pyracantha hedge - you'd have to wear armour to get through that!
21 Feb, 2009
Don't know about seeds but you could plant a few berberis shrubs behind the fence. Quick growning with spiny leaves.
I agree that you can go too far with tidying undergrowth. In your case it was useful as an intruder deterent and would have been a haven for wildlife. Some of these volunteer groups are well meaning but don'y give enough thought to their project.
20 Feb, 2009