By Clairehart
South Africa
Hi, I wonder if you could please help me. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I had a beautiful garden full of arum lilies and for reason the adult plants all died off. I'm left with lots of babies but they are really tiny. I've got my children's bath water draining into the garden bed and we have (probably at the same time as the adults died off) trimmed back a tree near the bed. What do you think could be the problem?
29 Aug, 2011
Sounds like the end of a cycle. The main plant has left all those offspring to carry on.
29 Aug, 2011
if by cutting back the tree you have opened the area out to more light that could be a contributing factor. The grey water shouldnt be a problem unless the cleaning products used to clean your bath also drain into it. This could harm the plants but I wuld aslo have expected the youngsters to die.
Were the adult plants particularly old? they might just have died due to old age. so it would be a series of unrelated actions ie coincidence.
sorry not that much help really.
29 Aug, 2011