By Mickymaple
United Kingdom
I have a Plum tree which never bears fruit but gets plenty of water & nutrients. Any suggestions welcome.
29 Aug, 2011
Does'e your tree get blossom in the spring Mickymaple?
29 Aug, 2011
Try pot ash.
29 Aug, 2011
Possible causes could be down to pruning, or were the blossoms killed off by frost, spring was early this year, so later frosts may be the cause.
29 Aug, 2011
Mick88's present vocabulary makes me wonder if he is also signed on as "Adolf"?
To address Mickymaple's problem, Blooming without fruiting is most often caused buy insufficient pollinators, such as bees, when it blooms, or a lack of compatible varieties of plum nearby. Lack of bloom may mean that the tree is still too young; it's not getting enough sun; bad weather, such as frost or high winds, just as the buds emerge; or yearly heavy pruning--plums bloom on wood 2-4 years old. I would check those problems, Micky, first.
30 Aug, 2011
Hi MickyM please ignore the idiot above! He/she is a flamer and hopefully will get banned soon! I am sorry I don't have a solution to your plum tree problem. We have the opposite challenge too many plums and branches breaking off!
29 Aug, 2011