By Islandcheif
United Kingdom
I have a hedge which is quite bare so i bought some laurels as a filler, however the bottom of the hedge and soil underneath is riddled deep with ivy and is very hard to tear out. what would you recommend to do?
31 Aug, 2011
Thanks, I was afraid as much, I will just have to try as best I can.
2 Sep, 2011
I am on a mission to encourage the planting of Blackthorn hedging. The Flower is unbelievably beautiful and the dark fruits flavour Gin. It is great for so many insects and birds.
All you can do is grub the Ivy out as said, hard graft.
2 Sep, 2011
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I think you've got a lot of hard work to come, because nothing but hard work will get rid of that ivy, Islandchief!! If it's at the bottom of a hedge that you want to keep, you can't poison it, and you can't put poison on an area where you want to plant new hedging, so you'll just have to pull it out as best you can! I don't know whether anybody else has any other solutions. Sorry I can't be of more help.....Annie
31 Aug, 2011