By Pdb
United Kingdom
Here are pictures of the bulbs I bought at Southport Flower Show and didn't write on the bag what they were.! Can anyone identify them please.

2 Sep, 2011
Middle and last ones look like Daffodil and Anemone bulbs. Not sure about the first.
2 Sep, 2011
Fritillaria, narcissus, anemone probably A. blanda.
2 Sep, 2011
Was this a professional, commercial grower - I only ask as the lily bulbs in particular don't look to healthy.
2 Sep, 2011
Hi Moongrower I bought them from a nursery at Southport Flower Show. Which are you saying is the lily?
2 Sep, 2011
I too think 1 is a fritillary, 2 a daff/narcissus and 3 could be anemone [ blanda or de caen types]
2 Sep, 2011
The 1st photo which, as SBG says, is actually a Frit. the 'bulbs' have got brown spots on not something I would want... The other 'bulbs' don't look that great either which grower did you buy from?
2 Sep, 2011
I agree with Fritillaria for the first bulb - they tend to be more compact than open (like the one on the right). As MG has said, they look brown, which is bruising, they should be white all round. The Daffs should not have mold on them either (the green powdery stuff).
2 Sep, 2011
The snag with flower shows, and I've even seen it at Gardening Scotland, is that some of the less scrupulous commercial nurseries are perfectly happy to sell damaged and poor quality bulbs. I suspect they do so because they know they aren't going to be around to get them taken back. I am not saying that all the stall holders do this but it does pay to very carefully check and select your own rather than letting the stall holder do so. Anything that looks bruised, has mould or feels even slightly soft is not in good condition. It may flower and grow on but a good proportion will die.
3 Sep, 2011
First one looks like Scented Lilies, Second one Daffodils (or Hyacinth). No idea about the third one.
2 Sep, 2011