By Stellasteph
United Kingdom
I have recently come to stay with my children in the U K and although I did a lot of gardening in South Africa and recognize a lot of similar plants I am a bit scared of planting shrubs and flowers this time of the year. Please advise what would still give a good show until winter. It is a small back garden with only lawn at present with a middle foot path and lawn both sides in front.
2 Sep, 2011
A lot of plants that survive in ZA will grow fine in England. It is a great time to plant shrubs and spring bulbs. Winter colour can be difficult, flowers like Winter Pansies and Violas come to mind. A visit to a garden centre is worthwhile.
2 Sep, 2011
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Most shrubs are best planted September/October anyway, with a few exceptions (Nandina, Yucca, some Hebes for instance). As for flowers, lots of perennials can be planted now too, but obviously, tender annuals and summer bedding can't. Rather depends what you want to plant.
2 Sep, 2011