Can Lantana Survive the Winter?
By Smallapaula
United Kingdom
I had real difficulty getting hold of my favourite pink and yellow Lantana plants last year and was desperate to keep them over winter. I put the hanging basket containing them in a green house as the weather turned colder but last time I checked I had an attractive basket of brown twigs!! Will they revive themselves or should I disgard these and start again? Is there something I can do to keep the next lot alive?

23 Feb, 2009
Have a close look at the base of the twigs! I looked at mine in dismay a few days ago but ... there it was ... a tiny green shoot! Mine spent the Winter on the upstairs balcony against the wall of the house and looks as though it's raring to go again.
24 Feb, 2009
I have lots of lantana in frost-free ( I hope) greenhouses in Leicester- I checked a few days ago and they are nearly all OK - no leaves, but the stems are green - to check, just cut one or two back a few inches - if the wood is green, they will grow again. Do not let them dry out totally else they will die. I will soon start watering mine a little more to encourage growth.
24 Feb, 2009
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From what I've read it doesn't look good. On the Thompson & Morgan website it recommends keeping them at 7-13C (45-57F) over the winter. I don't know about Essex but it got to at least -8C here in Manchester this year.
Give them a chance and if there is no sign of life by April I'd start over. Maybe you could bring them indoors over winter next time?
23 Feb, 2009