United Kingdom
Costal Hedging
Hi Guys,
I need to plant a costal hedge, approx 80m. It is 100m approx off the sandy coastline and is very exposed on the west coast of Ireland. Any ideas for me please?
Many Thanks
3 Sep, 2011
My first choice was escallonia. Our garden hedge was this down one side and lonicera [small leafed golden one possible nitida] on the other. We were 500m from the promenade on the north east coast. Both did really well.
3 Sep, 2011
Thank you guys,
I might look into doing a mix but I am worried about the different growing rates. I will go back to my customer first and see how formal he wants this hedge to be.
Thanks again
5 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Laurel (Prunus laurocerus) which you can get either plain green or variegated, Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) or Rosa rugosa, Rosa canina, Escallonia, Hawthorn, Blackthorn.
3 Sep, 2011