about cordyline green
By Yasmin
north yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I planted this cordyline in summer 2008. With it being its first winter I covered it with a black bin liner for 2 weeks. When I uncovered it today the crown of the plant is brown/black and the the surronding leaves are pale green with yellow spots. Can I also mention that the soil in the garden is clay soil.

24 Feb, 2009
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hi Yasmin, the yellowing is probably due to lack of light, it should green up now its in the light. the other marks may be due to damp allowing fungal infection in. plant diseases generally not my bag. next year cover with horticultural fleece as it lets light in but keeps cold and wet off. Dont know if the clay soil affects the growth, its not a plant i grow.
24 Feb, 2009
I wouldn't recommend using a bin liner, condensation will probably start to rot the plant because of lack of air circulation. Always use a fleece as this allows the plant to breath. Dig some compost and grit around the roots to improve drainage. The plant should green up and dry off when the weather warms up
25 Feb, 2009
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well im no expert but ive got cordylines and i put fleece on then and tied them up not bin liners mine are in clay soil but when i put them in i made the hole bigger and put grit in kinna mixed it for drainage they might be ok see how they go
24 Feb, 2009