By Lyngoulding
United Kingdom
I have a Poinsetia that is now nearly 4yrs old, it is just turning back to green, and has lots of new shoots, but it is literally dripping sap all over the floor, the leaves are very sticky, and I have never had this happen before. The plant is now over 3ft tall. and 3ft wide, it lives in my conservatory, can you give me some advise as too why it is doing this. Thanks Lyn Goulding
4 Sep, 2011
thank you for that, how can i check the soil, as I can hardly pick it up, let alone removing it from the pot, and changing the soil, is there a fungacide i can try?
7 Sep, 2011
Fungicide won't work on aphids, spider mite, mealy bug, etc - and all of these would be in evidence on the stems or leaves somewhere. Which treatment you use depends on what might be causing the trouble, and if its any of the ones I've mentioned, it'll be a pesticide you need, not a fungicide.
8 Sep, 2011
Previous question
The sap from these is white like milk, so if what you're seeing isn't like that, but just sticky clearish stuff, check the plant thoroughly for infestation by aphids, spider mite, etc. Sounds like something's producing lots of honeydew and feeding on the plant.
4 Sep, 2011