By Joanne9
United Kingdom
are turnips poisonous after they flower
4 Sep, 2011
Agree with Sbg. Try cooking them for longer than usual.
5 Sep, 2011
Don't think so. You can eat the young leaves in salad/ steamed/stir fried or raw, they have a peppery taste.
5 Sep, 2011
Not poisonous, but tough, mustardy, and sometimes bitter.
6 Sep, 2011
Come to think of it Seaburn, I've never had a woody turnip, but have had woody parsnips.
6 Sep, 2011
yes that can happen to parsnips too.
6 Sep, 2011
6 Sep, 2011
Not so far as I am aware. they may be 'woody' in the centre and therefore not very palatable.
4 Sep, 2011