By Soniahallett
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i have had some lillies in tubs for four years and this year they gave a poor show maybe i did not look after them as i should have but i am thinking of putting them in the garden for next year am i doing the right thing they did flower but not the magnificent show they gave in previous years
5 Sep, 2011
Usually Lillies need dividing every 3-4 years are they over crowded?
5 Sep, 2011
Did you refresh the growing medium and feed them? That could also be the reason.
5 Sep, 2011
thankyou for your answers no they are not overcrowed quite the opposite they have become less and no i did not refresh the compost so thankyou all for your comments very helpful sonia
6 Sep, 2011
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« Tea Rose but I don't know its name, at night when we have the patio lights on...
I had this happen to me last year they were too wet because of the weather being so wet and had tiny slugs on them at the back of the leaves, lilies in pots as well as in the garden love a lot of drainage so now I put lots of grit at the bottom as well as mixed in with the soil I even lost my agapanthus.
5 Sep, 2011