By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
My garden has been absolutely battered by the winds and rain from last night 3 lilies 1 deppea spledens 2 fuchsias have been totally flattened and one of my 3 tier planters has been blown over despite being screwed down how has everybody’s garden faired
6 Sep, 2011
Well, I must say, autumn seems to have arrived early - the surfinias, which looked great up to 5 days ago, now are shredded and going brown, and the whole garden looks distinctly autumnal, with conkers raining down all over...
6 Sep, 2011
Masses of acorns tumbling from the oaks;tree leaves carpeting the lawn; the climbing Surfinia, 3' tall in pots, blown over repeatedly; the same surfinias, trailing 3' from hanging baskets.... shredded... and masses of broken stems strewn across the front doormat in the mornings!
Need I say more?LOL.
6 Sep, 2011
Even the Lavatera Barnsley is looking miserable.
6 Sep, 2011
Its a bit depressing though isn't it - I mean, has autumn really arrived so early? And where are all my birds on the balcony - all last winter right through to 2 weeks ago, frantic activity round the nutfeeder, anything up to 8 bluetits at a time, but since then - nothing, zilch, not a single bird anywhere. Weird.
6 Sep, 2011
Worst of all is that I've lost the branches that had flower buds on my Erythrina - I've waited three years for that to bloom.
6 Sep, 2011
I'm torn between sympathising and laughing, Meanie, sorry, but really, talk about sod's law...
6 Sep, 2011
My acer got blown into the pond!!! and it was in a large heavy pot ! have now moved it up against the wall until wind drops a bit.I know what your all thinking... they dont like being in a windy position anyway, but I have 3 round my pond and they have never suffered it must have been a sudden gust that blew it over. Luckily as it had a soft landing no damage done. God knows what the fish are feeling though!
6 Sep, 2011
Um .... sorry, but ....can anyone lend me a sun umbrella? So hot in the garden I keep having to take breaks in the shade of the Hazel tree. Sorry!
7 Sep, 2011
Nariz, I'll be over on the next available flight. LOL.
7 Sep, 2011
You'd be welcome DrBob. :o)
7 Sep, 2011
Now is the time to learn where to place containers etc. the corners that the wind damages most should be avoided. Many plants and shrubs are damaged in my borders, some of my tall wallflowers in the nursery bed have been uprooted, it's early for me to plant out. Our lawns look as though autumn has come early, even garden leaves have been blown off. As for the orchard, well not many good apples to pick now.
6 Sep, 2011