By Peter
United Kingdom
test from plant
On plant
Achillea ageratum

6 Sep, 2011
Peter, are you just testing the site following your revamp overnight?
6 Sep, 2011
Peter, if you are testing the site it is not working properly fot me. The first page says 'oops, we have a problem' and I am not logged in. After logging in I still can't get to my Your News page but I can get to Gardening Questions. Hope this helps.
6 Sep, 2011
Oops, sorry, I meant to delete this.
Yes, we're still ironing out a few glitches.
Bulbaholic, a few people are having issues with news pages, sorry about that.
If you spot other problems could you send them using the "contact us" link at the bottom.
Thanks :)
6 Sep, 2011
Now working as sweetly as ever, Peter, thank you and the team. Only responded here because of your 'unusual' posting, not complaining as I am all too familiar with glitches.
6 Sep, 2011
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6 Sep, 2011